400K AWARE tokens airdrop to HyperPay Wallet and HPY token holders
28 Mar 2018

Dear HyperPay wallet users:


HyperPay is proud to announce its new strategic partnership with AWARE. 400k AWARE tokens will be airdropped to HyperPay wallet from 28/03/2018 to 08/04/2018. HPY token holders will also receive an extra share of reward!

Distribution rule:
1. 50 AWARE tokens will be given to the first 500 new registered HyperPay wallet users during event period.
2. 50 AWARE tokens will be given to the users who has 50,000 HPY tokens or more at event endpoint.
3. 300 tokens will be distributed to each user depositing 20,000 AWARE or more into the wallet.


HyperPay Team


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