Announcement on HC PoS mining Boost
23 Aug 2018

Dear HyperPay users,


We have completed the mainnet swap of HSR. Now, the deposit & withdrawal service of new token, HC, is open, so as its PoS mining service. 


There are two types of HC PoS mining mode in HyperPay: 


1.Mining pools PoS, with an annualized reward of 5% and a daily reward of 0.01336%;


2.Non-mining pools PoS, with an annualized reward of 3% and a daily reward of 0.00819%. 


Please note that mining pools PoS requires you to transfer the HC token to the mining pools by yourself. 


We will start boosting PoS rewards from August 21st to 28th. During the period, the annualized & daily rewards of mining pools PoS will be 6% and 0.01596%; To non-mining pools PoS, the number is 4% and 0.01074%. 



Thanks for your support.


HyperPay Team


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