HyperPay3.0 Launch Event Recap
17 Aug 2018

Dear HyperPay users,

At 19:00 August 11th, 2018(UTC+8), HyperPay3.0 product launch event and media meeting is held in Beijing as scheduled. Mr. Nick Jing, the CMO of HyperPay and Mr. King Peng, the COO of HyperPay in Greater China, together with a number of media, guests and HyperPay partners have witnessed the major moment of the official launch of HyperPay 3.0.

As the world's first digital currency wallet that integrated on-chain and off-chain system, HyperPay 3.0 has not only fully upgraded its interaction design, currency tracking and asset management features, but also adding new functions like on-chain wallet, Bitearn, PoS pool,etc. The new version also integrated with LEEKICO, one of Australia’s largest ICO funding platforms, making it possible to meet all digital asset management needs in one-click, successfully opening a new chapter in the digital wallet industry.

As a digital wallet, we always put the fund safety top of our list while striving to maximize the returns. Mr. Nick Jing, the CMO of HyperPay, said: "With improved security and invest functions, the new version provides safe and fast solutions to meet users’ asset security, transaction and invest needs, which is the key driver that makes us the wallet market leader."

We would like to extend our thanks to you and all the distinguished guests present at this event. HyperPay will never forget our “Beginner's mind” and always put the safety and value of user assets first. Please follow our follow-up activities and newly launched features.


HyperPay Team

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